Advocating For Your Safety
When you are fearing for your safety, it can feel like you have nowhere to turn. The team at Reed Law Group, P.C., has worked with clients throughout Michigan who are facing these difficult circumstances. We will do everything we can to protect you, your rights and your best interests. You do not have to go through this situation alone. Our attorneys are here to help.
Over 30 Years Of Combined Experience Helping Clients
We will do everything we can to advocate for you. Every domestic violence case is different. There is no one way abusers work. Because of this, you need an attorney who can tailor solutions to your specific needs. Our experience includes, but is not limited to, helping those facing the following issues:
- Stalking
- Assault, battery and molestation
- Threats to do harm or even cause death
- The removal of a child from your home without permission
- Trespassing, at either your home or your workplace
- Repeated calls and e-mails
- Verbal abuse on you or your child
- Rape or other sexual crimes
- The violation of a court order regarding your child
As this list shows, domestic abuse does not have to be overtly violent. Even the threat of violence constitutes abuse. Victims of domestic abuse can be spouses, people in live-in relationships, children, former dating partners and others in a household. When you need a way out, trust a legal team that cares about its clients.
Don’t Wait – Call Now
Our attorneys are ready to help you as soon as you give us a call. We also have worked with professionals throughout the community who can help you get back on your feet. Contact our office today at 734-430-8001 or email us by clicking here.