Divorce Attorneys On Your Side
Being a “no-fault” divorce state means that neither party has to prove fault as grounds for a divorce. If the parties in a divorce reach a final settlement on all issues, fault is not a factor. However, if there is a disagreement on alimony, property, child support or child custody, fault can become an important issue. Our lawyers at Reed Law Group, P.C., can be of assistance.
The Plaintiff
A divorce begins when one or both parties decide that the marriage relationship has broken down and should end. The divorce case is processed in the family division of the circuit court. The partner that files the court action is the plaintiff. The plaintiff files a complaint, which asks the court to grant an order. The complaint contains the names of the parties, pertinent background, the date of the marriage, the date of the separation, the relief requested and more.
The Defendant
The other party is the defendant. The defendant receives a summons saying that a suit has been filed and that he or she has 21 days to respond. If the defendant does not respond, he or she is in default, and the case may continue without further notice to that person. If the defendant files a response with the county clerk’s office, the case is contested. The response deals with the complaint, paragraph by paragraph. In addition, a defendant can file his or her own complaint, called a counter-complaint. This claim must be answered by the plaintiff.
Contact Us Today
Contact Reed Law Group, P.C. today to get in touch with one of our skilled attorneys. You can call our office at 734-430-8001 or send us a message today.